The Root to Crown Healing Center

About Me

A Little Bit About the Owner

Hello, I'm Amanda! I am a Reiki Master. I became a certified Reiki Maste after completing Reiki I, II, Master & Teacher levels of training. I am also certified as an Inner Child Healing Practitioner, Manifesting Coach, Spiritual Life Coach and I’m currently working on becoming an EFT Therapy Practitioner. 

I first became familiar with energy work, as a teenager. My stepmother was a Reiki Master, but I didn't follow the practice at that time. When I recently picked it up again my whole world shifted. I had a sense of peace and purpose something I don't think I've ever actually felt my entire life. I have struggled with mental health issues most of my life, being able to feel this clear headed and being able to find a sense of peace has opened up doors for me.

My whole life my grandmother always told me I had healing hands; she would ask me every time I saw her to place my hands on her. So, I always knew this was going to be my purpose in life, and I knew I wanted to help others get the benefits of energy work. I am extremely excited to be able to share this ancient modality of healing with others who may be in need of healing as well!