The Root to Crown Healing Center


Welcome to The Root to Crown Healing Center, this is a space where you can come to relax and receive treatment for wellness concerns in a safe, quiet atmosphere. Reiki’s comforting, nourishing energy can help better any aspect of your life whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

Reiki does not require you to have a spiritual practice to be a spiritual being. Your soul (your higher self) is connected to the same source of creation that we all stem from. There is much more to the world that we live in than the naked eye can see, including energetic interactions.

Reiki's healing energy has the ability to shift vibrations into a higher frequency which promotes healing. It also helps to release and dissolve any energy that may have "stuck" to you throughout your day or lifetime. 

Energy healing is truly amazing as it is a non-invasive treatment that benefits all areas of your life. Making sure you hold space for your own health and healing is the epitome of self-care and you deserve it! I can't wait to work with you!